It’s the finale of the Challenger story! We’ve got battles to be had, attackers to be revealed, and double digits to be reached in this crazy conclusion to the first run of The Emblem Crew!

It’s so damn long this is actually Part 4 Part 1 and Part 4 Part 2; i.e., two images. Fortunately, they’re right next to each other, so it’s unlikely you’ll actually notice the switch unless your internet is that bad. If you want the whole thing in one image, click here (warning: twenty megabytes).

Previous (#9: Challenger Assaulting (3/4))Something’s hiding. Look back, find out where the hell are we? Something’s hiding. Look back, find out where the hell are we?Next (?!)

Update: I’ve added the newcomer to the Characters page and made a couple of other tweaks there too.

Blimey. I think this is the longest I’ve ever consistently produced and released content for. 5 weeks (or so), 10 episodes.

Yeah, if you didn’t get it, I’ll be taking a break from The Emblem Crew for a few weeks before I’m back with #11, which introduces another new character. This is so I can plan the next “series” (which’ll be much longer than this, at least 20 episodes) and make the first episode, whose slightly different format will take a while longer than usual. But then I did just put up an episode of 148 panels, so maybe that’s an understatement.

Let me know if the (significantly) longer episode was appreciated; I sometimes worry that some episodes are too short, but then I’m worried that a longer episode won’t hold people’s interest. It’s nice to have a long one as a “series” finale, anyway, although that’s kinda why it was in four parts to begin with…

And welcome to Corrin! He’ll be sticking around as a regular. The next “series” will probably have more episodes with just a few characters as opposed to the whole cast we have here. There’ll also be more drama; I’m already having fun thinking about how Shulk and Chrom are going to manage their living situation… Although there’ll also be less drama, as the episodes will be more individual, whereas this “series” was almost one single continuous run (the only timeskip is between #5 and #6, I think, where everyone goes to bed in #5 and wake up in #6).

See you soon!

P.S. If this episode wasn’t released on time (as it is, I have forty minutes to get this scheduled to post), a preview post would have appeared, showing every panel in one space:

Watch out, all's quiet in the forest. Grab your shotgun, shoot in the dark. Pull the trigger...


Original Shulk portrait by jisonshin.

Official Fero portraits extracted by deko.

The fantastic Fire Emblem If Text Simulator by SciresM is used in the production of The Emblem Crew.

All other non-text assets belong to Nintendo, Intelligent Systems, Monolith Soft, Square Enix, Sora, Platinum Games, and/or Namco Bandai.

And thank you to all the wonderful people who datamine stuff and put it on the Spriters’ Resource, of which there are far too many to list here!